Dear Families,
I hope you have all had a wonderful summer. I cannot wait to hear about the adventures you have taken this summer! I enjoyed time at the beach, hiking, and spending time with my family.
There have been a lot of people in the school building this summer getting everything ready for all of the students to return; we have surely missed seeing everyone! There are a couple of pieces I wanted to share with families about this upcoming school year.
One is our itinerant special schedule:
Monday: Art
Tuesday: Library
Wednesday: Music
Thursday: Gym
Friday: Technology
Remember to bring back library books on Tuesdays and wear gym sneakers for gym class on Thursdays.
If your student is going to be riding the school bus we have posted the schedule on our website and Facebook page. Please take some time to talk to your child about bus safety and the expectations when riding on the school bus. These are our bus safety rules for all students to follow:
Bottom to seat bottom
Back to seat back
Save snacks and candy for later
Keep the middle aisle clear
Inside voices
Hands and feet to self
Keep the bus clean
Stay in your assigned seat
Wait for drivers signal to cross the road
If your student is going to be a parent drop off/ pick up, please remind them of safety rules when in the parking lot. Students cannot be dropped off at the school prior to 8:25. School is dismissed at 3:00. If the school bus is in our parking lot with the STOP sign out ALL cars must stop for the school bus and wait until the sign is off.
Breakfast and lunch continue to be free for all students this school year. If your child wants extra milk during breakfast or lunch, this is an additional charge. Breakfast is served from 8:25-8:45 daily and lunch for all students is between 12:00-1:00. Student’s teachers provide a snack period every day. Every student needs to bring a snack and refillable water bottle daily. We do not have a drinking water fountain open at the school, but we do have a water bottle refilling station.
We are excited for this year; it is going to be an amazing one!
Courtney Lyons
Special Education Director
Resources for the beginning of year: