Students at Fayette Central School were able to try a new activity for the first time at school! Thanks to the large snowfall this past weekend and our new snowshoes for recreation use students were able to snowshoe during their gym classes.
Gym teacher, Susan Morin also had an excellent strategy: Have students strap their boots into their snowshoes, head to the door on a rug, and put on their boots while already in their snowshoes. This was a great strategy to allow everyone to get ready in the warmth of the gym before heading out on their adventure. Once everyone had their snowshoes on they went outside to walk around the school yards on the snow.
In talking with students, many had never snowshoed before. Two first graders shared the following with me, “I went snowshoeing outside through the woods. That was my favorite part and we saw some deer tracks!” and “One of the fun parts was when we had a race until a snowshoe fell off and I became Cinderella.” A kindergartener shared “It was fun but I got tired of walking and wanted to take a nap!”
The picture above is of our kindergarten and first graders during their adventure!
The school has plenty of small and medium snowshoes for students but is still looking for a handful of larger pairs for our older students. If you have any extras that you would like to donate they would be greatly appreciated!