Starting tomorrow 1/5/24 through 1/12/24 we will be running Bus Run B for our bus run. Review the attached document to see potential adjustment to your students pick up time. We will resume normal bus run on 1/16/24.
12 months ago, Fayette Central School
Due to a heat issue there will be a one hour delay for Fayette Central School students. School will start at 9:25. Buses will pick up one hour later than normal pick up times.
about 1 year ago, Fayette Central School
Happy New Year! Reminder to send your child with a water bottle, snack and change of shoes for recess.
about 1 year ago, Fayette Central School
Reminder: Tomorrow, 12/22 is a half day for students. Students will be dismissed at 12:00. We are still unable to provide transportation on South Rd. and Lovejoy Shores.
about 1 year ago, Fayette Central School
Fayette Central School has power! We will be having school tomorrow, Thursday 12/21. It is understood that everyones current situation is different at this time. If your child does not attend school due to the current conditions in town, their absence will be excused. The following roads are not accessible by our school buses: Bamford Hill, Lovejoy Circle, and South Rd. If you live on one of these roads your child will need to be a parent drop off/ pick up at this time.
about 1 year ago, Fayette Central School
Reminder: We will have free bagged lunches for pick up at the Fayette School at 11:00 today 12/20 for any child in our community 18 years and under.
about 1 year ago, Fayette Central School
Due to the continued power outages in Fayette. School and transportation is canceled tomorrow, 12/20. We will be offering bagged lunches for any student to pick up at the school tomorrow at 11:00.
about 1 year ago, Fayette Central School
Due to the amount of power outages in town, down lines on trees, impassable roads and flooding in roadways Fayette Central School and all Fayette bus transportation is canceled tomorrow, 12/19.
about 1 year ago, Fayette Central School
Parents of Fayette students attending RSU 38 should pick up your students. There will be no Fayette bus to pick up this afternoon.
about 1 year ago, Melody Jenkins
Fayette Central School Students on the bus are running late due to lines down. They will be home ASAP. Thank you for your patience!
about 1 year ago, Melody Jenkins
Due to power outage we are dismissing students at noon time today. If you will be picking up your student you must call the school. (207)685-4770
about 1 year ago, Fayette Central School
Tomorrow is Whole School Pajama Day!
about 1 year ago, Fayette Central School
Christmas Concert is Wednesday 12/13 at 6pm. Students in the concert should arrive by 5:45. Also, Friday 12/15 will be Pajama day!
about 1 year ago, Fayette Central School
Christmas Concert Gif
The virtual giving tree link:
about 1 year ago, Fayette Central School
Giving Tree
Erik's bus run is running 30 minutes behind schedule due to waiting for a car that went off the road.
about 1 year ago, Fayette Central School
With the snow and cold weather upon us we want to remind families that students need winter boots, snow pants, a hat, and gloves to be able to play on the playground. If families are unable to provide these items for their child please reach out and we can help support! Please also send students with a separate pair of shoes to change into after recess.
about 1 year ago, Fayette Central School
Students bundled up for snow!
Due to the weather, there will be no school at Fayette Central School today, Monday December 4th.
about 1 year ago, Fayette Central School
Reminder: Please return popcorn orders and money for School and Home fundraiser tomorrow! Monday the 20th is the last possible return date. Thank you!
about 1 year ago, Fayette Central School
Tomorrow, 11/9, will be Bus Run B.
about 1 year ago, Fayette Central School Home and School meeting tonight at 6pm. In the library and virtually.
about 1 year ago, Fayette Central School